Payment Methods

We accept payments using credit cards (MasterCard, Visa, Visa Electron, American Express) and through Finnish online banks.

Card Payments

Card payments in our webstore are provided by Stripe Inc. in cooperation with credit institutions. Card numbers are not recorded in Stripe's systems. All data transfer and money transactions are SSL secured meaning that no external party can see your personal information. 


Online Bank Payments

You can use the online payment services of all Finnish banks.

Payment Service Provider
Paytrail Plc acts as a collecting payment service provider and is an authorized Payment Institution. Paytrail Plc will be shown as the recipient on your bank or credit card statement. Paytrail Plc will forward the payment to the merchant. For reclamations, please contact the website the payment was made to.
Paytrail Plc
Innova 2
Lutakonaukio 7
40100 Jyväskylä
Business ID 2122839-7